For the 100th anniversary of the Rimini director’s birth, a tribute to Federico Fellini’s work through the dreamlike images and music of Nino Rota. Fellini was fascinated by the enchanting “magical atmosphere” that Nino Rota emanated, the two immediately had an exceptional understanding welded in deep admiration and esteem. At the beginning of the collaboration Nino Rota was in the midst of a celebrated academic career, and the idea of ​​accompanying filmography was not in his goals, but as soon as he met Fellini, he radically changed orientation and understood that together they could create artistic wonders. At this hour of show, the emotions of films that have marked the cinematic history of the twentieth century will be chased together, such as La Strada, Amarcord, I Vitelloni, The nights of Cabiria, The clowns, La dolce vita, Juliet of the spirits, 8 and ½, with the recurring presence of the circus world, that world that for the director meant the eruption of the fantastic into the repetitiveness of the daily newspaper of a province, and embodied the yearnings, at least in the imagination, of escape. The concert includes the live performance of Nino Rota’s music, rearranged especially for the show and for this line-up taken from the most significant titles of Fellini’s filmography, while the unforgettable sequences of each work will flow on the screen in an exciting cinematographic montage created by Alba. Film Festival. The refined and biting sounds of the flute by Giuseppe Nova and Gli Archimedi will lead us on this dreamlike and engaging journey.






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