The ½ Seasons, a reinterpretation of Vivaldi’s famous “Seasons”, are the half tones between one theme and another, they are those “folk” tones belonging to popular music of the time that Antonio Vivaldi was able to masterfully convey in his compositions. With an original introduction built on fragments of the equally famous Sea Storm, Gli Archimedi retrace the four Concerts of the Red Priest, dwelling on the melodies, playing and improvising, until they weave a plot parallel to the original one: thus the sound paths are hinged one with the other and Vivaldi’s masterpiece relives between the baroque heritage of the soloist who dialogues with the ensemble and the creative present of the three original chamber musicians. The “forays” of the musicologist Dino Bosco, full of irony and food for thought, will be the setting for this unmissable musical experiment.


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